Web Design Techniques You Must be Aware of in 2016

The WW News • July 12, 2016 • No Comments

Creating your website is essential to generate conversions. If it doesn’t look right, it won’t do good to your bottom line. Your website is your way to show off your products/services. Here are some essential techniques in web designing that you must be aware of in 2106.

Visual hierarchy

It’s crucial that you follow the right visual hierarchy. Your visuals should be prominent enough so it can attract more attention. The visual hierarchy is an order that allows the human eyes to perceive things.

Various parts of your site are more important than the others, like value propositions and call to action. Make sure that relevant links are prominent enough that your visitors can see and click them.

Business objective

When ranking the elements on your site, ensure that it’s based on your business’s goals. For that reason, it’s critical that you have a specific goal for having a site so you’ll know what to prioritize.

It’s also essential that you know the purpose of your website. That is to provide your visitors the information that they need. Each page of your site has a clear purpose. It must fulfill the specific needs of your users.


People who browse the Internet want to obtain information quickly. That said, it’s vital that your site communicates clearly and makes the information easy to digest or read.

Several tactics can be implemented here. You may organize your content using subheadings, bullet posts and cutting the waffle.


Yes, your fonts are vital in today’s modern web design. To make it easier for your visitors to read your content, the ideal font size you must use is 16 pixels. To keep your design more streamlined, stick to a maximum of 3-point sizes and three typefaces.


You must determine the right color palette that can go with your overall design. Ensure that it should enhance the user experience. Having complementary colors can create harmony. Then, use contrasting colors for your text and background, so it’s easier for your visitors to read your content.

However, you may use vibrant colors to create emotions. But use them sparingly.

Then, don’t forget the white space. It’s useful in giving your site uncluttered look.

Web Design Techniques


Choosing the right photos can assist in positioning your brand and connecting with your visitors. It can be a challenge to have high-quality photos on hand. If you don’t have a professional photographer, you could try purchasing stock photos. But use them sparingly. It’s still ideal that you choose photos that you took so they would describe the real meaning of your content.

Mobile Friendly and Load Quickly

Every web design today should be mobile-friendly, and it must load quickly. Google recommends these two elements to ensure that your site would offer the best user experience.

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